posted 2018-04-17 00:54:02

So this morning, up at the other end of the county, in the redneck rivera resort town / retired cop&firefighter community, there was some drama today as somebody in a late model pickup threw a bags weighted with birdseed and containing a bunch of Klan propaganda fliers into people's yards.

Bunch of places in the exurban DMV have been selected for this treatment in the last couple of months. Probably one or two people, but fuck those people.


Today, I filed my taxes. Kind of late in the game, but so it goes in my family.

Dr. H. died. He was a urologist, an older man, but not that old, black, would drift onto the ward holding a cup of coffee and make rounds and would always make time for people to ask him questions. He went through a lot of CT scans with me.

On CT scans, calcium shows up as white. and there'd be all these white dots in people's pelvises. And its localized vein calcification, which happens to everybody as they age, and especially to people who don't take care of themselves. So take care of yourself and maybe your pelvic CT won't look like a picture of a spiral galaxy.

So he very suddenly died.

My submissive is having a rough time, she needs a medical procedure with this cyst in her back and they'll probably need to put her under, but she needs someone else to take her home / do wound care (totally my bag, all over that) but timing is an issue. And her son, who is 17, is too young to have her released into his care, so I'm trying to figure out my schedule, but she's got it. Her dad (according to her, he's basically the old man from UP) will sign her out, son drives her home, I do wound care.

so in modern America, with all it's poly glory, how do you explain yourself to a 17 year old? Especially since you're basically an idiot man child yourself? and you're his mother's ummmm.... gentleman friend?

You talk about how he's joining the military. That's exactly what you do.

//best bit of gossip. so he'd had this girlfriend for a while. And had been trying to break up with her for a while. And she drug him back in, really wanted him back.
And he hung out with his guy friend and said well, she must really like me, she gave me this *garment* (sweatshirt, hoodie, hell, I don't remember) and his friend, who things haven't been close with in a while said, yeah, you've been wearing that a while uh, that was mine, I gave it to her.
Which was the least of it. His friend says I uh, have something else. Pulls out his phone, and shows him a selfie of his girlfriend. Nude. Boobs out. And this selfie is taken in his mother's bathroom.

This would be the mother I'm um, doing weird kinky shit with.

so he's aghast, and drops her like a hot brick.


and this brings us into the new favorite age of polylandia.

Cheating on people is wrong and you shouldn't do it. Not everyone can or should handle multiple relationships. Don't lie to people. Don't hurt them. If you think they're the type of people who are going to be hurt by people like you, ask about it and then STAY THE FUCK AWAY.

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